Information and Alerts

Credit Cards

Card options and tools for you

Credit Cards from Deseret First

We offer different types of credit cards and ways to manage them

There’s a credit card that is right for you. You can choose between cards that reward you for frequently using it or just maintaining a balance. All of our cards come with perks you’ll enjoy, and you can manage all of your cards from within our mobile app under the CardHub section. CardHub allows you to control how and where you use your card, note dates you’re traveling, and even activate a new card. Finally, with Mobile Wallet you can use your Deseret First cards with most major apps. This includes Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Pay.

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woman looking at store products

Visa Signature Card

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man with sunglasses on, holding up waffle cone filled with ice cream

Platinum Rewards Card

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happy family outdoors shopping together, mother holding balloons, father has daughter on his shoulders

Platinum Card

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Manage cards
man with laptop, holding phone with CardHub app open


Manage cards
Tap to Pay
person scanning their phone next to a tap-to-pay terminal

Mobile Wallet

Tap to Pay
Manage Transfers
man with laptop, holding phone with CardHub app open

Balance Transfer

Manage Transfers

To report a lost or stolen card, please call 800-326-3328 anytime of day 7 days a week.

Treat yourself any way you like it!

Receive bounteous bonuses today. Whether that means cash, a new TV, or a family getaway is up to you.

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